You can find me on GitHub, Twitter, LinkedIn, and email (hello at ethanrosenthal dot com)
Having suffered through years of dry physics talks during my academic days, I’m on a mission to give data science talks that are engaging and interesting while still delivering technical insights for the audience.
Past Talks
- Time series for scikit-learn people, PyData NYC 2019, (slides)
- Continuous Approximation: From Physics to Data Science, JMU Physics Dept 2019, (slides)
- Model Remodeling with Modern Deep Learning Frameworks, SciPy 2019 (video, slides)
- Empowering the Humans in the Loop by Synthesizing Machine Learning and Optimization, Texas AI Summit 2019
- Making the Machines Work for Us, Machine Learning Innovation Summit 2018
- Scaling Personalization via Machine-Learned Assortment Optimization, DataEngConf 2018 (video, slides)
- Diving into the deep end of clothing styles, PyData 2017 (video, slides)
Other Writings
Dia&Co Blog
I used to write for Making Dia the Dia&Co technical blog. Below are my articles, ordered by their popularity at the time of writing this:
- Hiring Data Scientists: A Classification Problem
- Embedding Everything for Anything2Anything Recommendations
- Scope the Solution before Solving the Machine Learning
- Reducing New Office Anxiety with a New Citi Bike Dataset
- 5 Data Tips for Machine Learning in Production
- Optimization in Sickness and in Health
If you’re having trouble getting to sleep, then knock yourself out on my papers from grad school.
- Visualizing nematicity in the pnictides with scanning tunneling spectroscopy (thesis)
- Visualization of electron nematicity and unidirectional antiferroic fluctuations at high temperatures in NaFeAs (article, arXiv)
- Visualizing the Nonlinear Coupling between Strain and Electronic Nematicity in the Iron Pnictides by Elasto-Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy (arXiv)
- Visualizing the charge density wave transition in 2H-NbSe2 in real space (article, arXiv)
- Quasiparticle Interference, Quasiparticle Interactions, and the Origin of the Charge Density Wave in 2H−NbSe2 (article, arXiv)
- Emergent surface superconductivity in the topological insulator Sb2Te3 (article, arXiv)
- Experimental Evidence for a Bragg Glass Density Wave Phase in a Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide (article, arXiv)
- Flicker Noise as a Probe of Electronic Interaction at Metal–Single Molecule Interfaces (article)